Total Supply: 10 Million (10,000,000) $INTEL
45% to Liquidity Pool (LP)
5% for Centralized Exchange (CEX) Listing
20% for Marketing and Promotion
15% for Staking Rewards (Revenue Share)
5% for Strategic Partnerships
A 5% tax is applied on both buying and selling transactions of $INTEL Tokens. This tax is designed to provide sustainability and rewards to the token ecosystem.
Utilization of Tax Revenue
Staking Rewards (1%): 1% of the tax collected from buy and sell transactions will be allocated to the staking reward pool.
Marketing (2%): 2% of the tax revenue will be directed towards marketing and promotional activities to increase awareness and adoption.
Funding New Leverage Pools (1%): 1% of the tax revenue will be used to create and fund new leverage liquidity pools
Development (1%): 1% of the tax will be used to develop further and deliver new advancements to our platform
The 45% allocation to the Liquidity Pool ensures that there is sufficient liquidity to support trading and provides stability to the token's price.
5% for CEX listing helps in gaining wider exposure by being listed on popular centralized exchanges.
20% allocated for marketing allows for a strong promotional effort to attract users and investors.
15% for staking rewards incentivizes token holders to lock up their tokens, promoting long-term commitment to the project.
5% for strategic partnerships can be used to collaborate with other projects, platforms, or organizations, enhancing the token's utility and ecosystem.
The tax on buy and sell transactions generates revenue for staking rewards, marketing, and funding, which ensures the continuous growth and sustainability of the project.
Last updated